Sunday, October 18, 2009

Double Digits!

It was a milestone at our house on September 7, 2009. Jayce turned the big 1-0. That's right. Double Digits! We had a fantastic celebration the Saturday before the big day at Nana's house with a Hollywood theme. Unfortunately, mom forgot the camera.
Mom and Jayce on Jayce's 10th birthday
We got some great shots on Nana's camera, but I haven't transferred them to my computer yet. Jayce saved up money and gift cards and bought an iPod touch. His actual birthday was on Labor Day, so we spent some quality family time hanging out and battling on the golf course...the mini-golf course, that is.
Jayce posing with a neon turtle on the golf course.

Clowning around before a trip to the mini-golf course.


Jayce is an artist in the making. We all know that. :) He discovered the "Eggers" contest in the Daily Oklahoman and decided that he was going to enter. He drew up his entry, put it in the envelope, addressed it himself, and only asked me for a stamp. Weeks later, he was so excited to find out that his drawing was chosen for publication in the Daily Oklahoman. On August 30, Hannah Montan-egg by Jayce Green was published for the word, um, Oklahoma to enjoy. Here's a peek:
Way to Go, Jayce! Congrats!

Catch up Time!

I can't believe that my last blog was for the first day of school. Pitiful! There are so many exciting happenings in September and October. I guess I was too busy enjoying them to blog about them. So, without further ado, enjoy my catch-up posts!